Welcome to IMPACT
The Centre for Post-Collision Research, Innovation and Translation
Road trauma is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. We believe this can be improved and needs to be improved.
- The best research evidence
- Patient values and preference
- Clinical expertise and knowledge
- Expert consensus
Road traffic injuries are now the leading killer of people aged 5-29 years
Global Status Report on Road Safety, 2018
The one element which so often receives poor attention is post-crash response
Prince Michael, discussing the EXIT project
Historically, the post-collision phase of care has not been subjected to the same scientific scrutiny as later aspects of care (e.g. the care delivered once a patient has arrived in hospital). The absence of scrutiny and evidence has meant that many aspects of post-collision response are based on opinion rather than fact. Many of these opinions have never been challenged or studied to ensure they are correct and optimal for outcomes.
By assembling a true-multidisciplinary team of experts, IMPACT benefits from a wide range of perspectives and experience. We develop our work through the established principles of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) to create the largest impact with clinicians, rescuers and policymakers
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