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The EXIT project is a successful research initiative which:

  • Utilises the lens of EBM to understand the complex issue of entrapment following a motor vehicle collision
  • Demonstrates the utility of multi-disciplinary partnership, engagement and co-design 
  • Exemplifies the partnership of researchers and institutions which this proposal further builds on
  • Has features (low cost, low infrastructure requirements and high impact) which lend itself to translation and adoption in our partner countries

The EXIT project focuses on the 40% of patients who are trapped (remain in their vehicles) following a motor vehicle collision. These patients suffer more injuries and have worse outcomes. The EXIT project provided new scientific evidence across a series of peer-reviewed publications that:

  • Challenged the dogma of current time-consuming methods of approach to such patients and how this approach was associated with worse outcomes 
  • Demonstrated the injuries and injury patterns associated with entrapment and how these varied between women and men and people of different ages. 
  • Demonstrated that the current approach to these patients was not optimal and offered a new evidenced based approach focused on reducing entrapment times, improving patient experience and optimising outcomes.